
Proteasome-dependent truncation of the negative heterochromatin regulator Epe1 mediates antifungal resistance

Imtiyaz Yaseen, Sharon White, Sito Torres-Garcia, Christos Spanos, Marcel Lafos, Elisabeth Gaberdiel, Rebecca Yeboah, Meriem El Karoui, Juri Rappsilber, Alison Pidoux & Robin Allshire

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29, 745–758 (2022)

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Epigenetic gene silencing by heterochromatin primes fungal resistance

Sito Torres-Garcia, Imtiyaz Yaseen, Manu Shukla, Pauline Audergon, Sharon White, Alison Pidoux & Robin Allshire

Nature 585 (7825), pp. 453– 458 (2020)

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Deluxe Extended Edition (PhD Thesis)

SpEDIT: A fast and efficient CRISPR/Cas9 method for fission yeast

Sito Torres-Garcia, Lorenza Di Pompeo, Luke Eivers, Baptiste Gaborieau, Sharon White, Alison Pidoux, Paulina Kanigowska, Imtiyaz Yaseen, Yizhi Cai, Robin Allshire

Wellcome Open Research, 5:274 (2020)

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Reagents - Available to the scientific community prior to publication

Interspecies conservation of organisation and function between nonhomologous regional centromeres

Pin Tong, Alison Pidoux, Nicholas Toda, Ryan Ard, Harald Berger, Manu Shukla, Sito Torres-Garcia, Carolin Müller, Conrad Nieduszynski & Robin Allshire

Nature communications 10 (1), pp. 2343 (2019)

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Plant-Specific Histone Deacetylases HDT1/2 Regulate GIBBERELLIN 2-OXIDASE2 Expression to Control Arabidopsis Root Meristem Cell Number

Huchen Li, Sito Torres-Garcia, David Latrasse, Moussa Benhamed, Stefan Schilderink, Wenkun Zhou, Olga Kulikova, Heribert Hirt, Ton Bisseling

The Plant Cell 29 (9), pp. 2183–2196 (2017)

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